Website Departments: Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs
The Ministry of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (CoGTA) comprises two departments: the Department of Cooperative Governance (DCoG) and the Department of Traditional Affairs (DTA).
- Grade 12 certificate or equivalent. Computer Literacy.
The successful candidate must have:-
- Basic Knowledge of financial functions, ability to capture data, operate computer, collate financial statistics; Basic knowledge of the Public Service financial legislations, procedures and Treasury regulation (PFMA,DORA, PSA, PSR, PPPFA, Financial Manual);
- Knowledge of basic financial operating systems (PERSAL, BAS LOGIS etc); Computer skills, Planning and Organizational skills; Interpersonal skills; good communication (verbal and written); Numeracy skills; Ability to perform routine tasks; Ability to operate office equipment.
The successful candidate will be required to render financial support services within the department with the following responsibilities: –
- Render Financial Accounting transactions; Render payment services for TC’s and LH,
- Render administrative and financial support to traditional councils and Local Houses Render administrative support on trust accounts,
- Provide support with the management of assets of TCs and LH, Perform bookkeeping support services; Render a budget support services.
Method of Application
APPLICATIONS TO BE POSTED TO: The Chief Director, Human Resource Management & Development, Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Private Bag X9078, Pietermaritzburg, 3200 or HAND DELIVERED TO: The Chief Registry Clerk, 2nd Floor, South Tower, Natalia, 330 Langalibalele Street, Pietermaritzburg for the attention of Ms E Perumal.