Website Oppenheimer Memorial Trust (OMT)
Established in 1958 as an endowment trust, OMT’s vision is to help propel South Africa towards equity and excellence by influencing systemic change.
The Oppenheimer Memorial Trust (OMT) is offering three types of scholarships for postgraduate and academic studies. These scholarships aim to support students and academics pursuing higher education in South Africa and abroad. Below are the details for each scholarship, their coverage, value, eligibility, and the application process:
- OMT Scholarship for Masters and Doctoral Studies:
- Coverage: Postgraduate study at local and international Higher Education Institutions at Master’s and Doctoral level.
- OMT Scholarship for Postdoctoral Studies:
- Coverage: Postdoctoral study at local and international Higher Education Institutions.
- OMT Scholarship for Sabbatical Studies:
- Coverage: Full-time academics undertaking sabbatical studies at public Higher Education Institutions in South Africa.
Scholarship Coverage and Renewal:
- The value of the scholarship depends on the applicant’s personal circumstances, and it does not cover full costs. Applicants must apply for additional funding to cover remaining fees.
- Scholarships are awarded annually, and renewals are based on academic performance and compliance with OMT’s reporting and re-application procedures.
Eligibility Requirements:
1. OMT Scholarship for Masters and Doctoral Studies:
- South African citizen or permanent resident.
- Must study towards a Master’s or Doctoral qualification in 2025/2026.
- Must study at a local or international Higher Education Institution.
- Must have a strong academic record and intend to pursue a career in academia, research, development, or related fields in South Africa.
- For international study: Must have specific plans to undertake studies in unique or highly specialized disciplines not readily available in South Africa or must be at a level where international tuition is necessary.
- Must have downloaded and read the OMT Scholarship for Masters and Doctoral Studies (.pdf).
2. OMT Scholarship for Postdoctoral Studies:
- South African citizen, permanent resident, or foreign national.
- Must study towards a postdoctoral qualification in 2025/2026.
- Must study at a local or international Higher Education Institution.
- Must have a strong academic record and intend to pursue a career in academia, research, development, or related fields in South Africa.
- For international study: Must demonstrate that the program is in a specialized discipline not readily available in South Africa.
- Must have downloaded and read the OMT Scholarship for Postdoctoral Studies (.pdf).
3. OMT Scholarship for Sabbatical Studies:
- Must be a full-time academic undertaking sabbatical study at a public Higher Education Institution in South Africa.
- Preference is given to applicants with a proven record of teaching and research.
- Must have downloaded and read the OMT Scholarship for Sabbatical Studies (.pdf).
Application Process:
- How to Apply:
- Applications must be submitted online at the OMT Scholarship Application Portal
- Applicants must download and read the OMT Scholarship Application Guidelines (.pdf) before applying.
- Required Documents: (mandatory submission for each scholarship type) 1. OMT Scholarship for Masters and Doctoral Studies:
- Certified copy of ID document, permanent residence permit, or passport.
- Recent professional photograph.
- Updated Curriculum Vitae (maximum 3 pages).
- Academic transcripts for all degrees and programs.
- Degree certificates (certified copies).
- Proof of acceptance or registration from the institution.
- Details of intended study (degree, programme, institution, etc.).
- Research/project-related costs and corresponding funding.
- Budget for annual study expenses.
- Motivational letter (maximum 500 words).
- Proof of income.
- 3 letters of recommendation from referees familiar with your academic work.
2. OMT Scholarship for Postdoctoral Studies:
- Certified copy of ID, permanent residence permit, or passport.
- Recent professional photograph.
- Updated Curriculum Vitae (maximum 3 pages).
- Academic transcripts and degree certificates.
- Proof of acceptance or registration from the institution.
- Details of intended study and funding.
- Budget for study expenses.
- Motivational letter (maximum 500 words).
- Proof of income.
- 3 letters of recommendation.
3. OMT Scholarship for Sabbatical Studies:
- Recent professional photograph (3cm x 4cm).
- Updated Curriculum Vitae (maximum 4 pages).
- Motivational letter (maximum 500 words).
- Proof of confirmation or offer letters from the university or collaborators.
- Budget for study expenses.
- Proof of income.
- Synopsis of your best 2 or 3 publications.
- 3 letters of recommendation.
Application Deadlines:
- 31 March 2025: For studies commencing from July 2025 to December 2025.
- 28 August 2025: For studies commencing from January 2026 to June 2026.
Note: Late applications will not be accepted, so please ensure your application is submitted before the respective closing dates.
To apply for this job please visit